
32 Articles by:

Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn is the Member of Parliament for Islington North and a member of the Independent Alliance group of MPs.

E.P. Thompson at 100

At Saturday’s Palestine solidarity protest — which took place on E.P. Thompson’s centenary — Jeremy Corbyn, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament’s Kate Hudson and John McDonnell remember the pioneer of ‘history from below’ and the debt owed to him by the anti-war movement.

Jeremy Corbyn: My Friend, Denis Goldberg

Denis Goldberg passed away in 2020 after a lifelong fight for social justice which saw him spend two decades in a South African prison. He reminded us of the horrors of apartheid – and the heroism of those who struggled against it, writes Jeremy Corbyn.

Democracy Is Under Attack

We need the Labour Party to stand up against government attacks on our rights to strike, protest and vote — but it can’t defend democracy if it doesn’t respect it within its own movement, writes Jeremy Corbyn.