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Cover art by Pavel Popov

Issue 16

Table of Contents

Ronan Burtenshaw

The Story of ‘Enough is Enough’

Tribune isn't just a magazine, it's a political project – that's why we helped to found a national movement against the cost-of-living crisis.

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Enough Is Enough

Mick Lynch

Defend the Right to Strike

Tribune sits down with RMT general secretary Mick Lynch to discuss the government's new anti-strike legislation and its potentially dire consequences – not just for trade unions but for democracy as a whole.

Karl Hansen

When Britain Said ‘Enough is Enough’

On October 1, 57 simultaneous protests took place across the country — from Dundee to Weymouth — against the cost-of-living crisis. Participants were united in their demands for a fundamentally different economic system.


Eddie Dempsey

A Real Pay Rise

In the wake of the war in Ukraine, NATO has been presented as a defensive alliance for democracy — but its actual history has been the promotion of Western imperial interests, often at the point of a gun.

Power to the People

Slash Energy Bills

There are solutions to spiralling heating costs and cold homes — but the ruling class prefers to profit from our misery.

Ian Byrne

End Food Poverty

In one of the wealthiest countries in the world, millions of kids are going hungry. It is a national disgrace.


Decent Homes for All

Inequality is about power: who has it, and in whose interests it is used.

Jessica Barnard

Tax the Rich

Austerity isn’t sensible, it’s social vandalism. The alternative is to squeeze those who can afford it.


Taj Ali

Back the Nurses, Save the NHS

Years of attacks on terms and conditions have pushed nurses to the brink — and now, they’restriking not only for fair pay but to protect the NHS for future generations.

Taj Ali

Railway Cleaners Are Striking for Justice

Railway cleaners were hailed as heroes during the pandemic for keeping trains safe. But their bosses still refuse to pay them a living wage  — now, they are striking for justice.

Venda Premkumar

Stand by Our Teachers

A teacher explains to Tribune the toll the cost of living crisis is having on our children's education, and on those who provide it.

Taj Ali

Don’t Let Them Kill Royal Mail

Bosses at Royal Mail are attacking the terms and conditions of its workforce and plotting to ‘Uberise’ the postal service. Against these plans, the posties’ strike is a battle for the future of the economy as whole.

Rita Mahil

Why University Staff Are Striking

A university worker speaks to Tribune about the assault on higher education – and about why students and staff must stand together to build a university system that works for all.

Taj Ali

Fair Pay or Fire Strike

Firefighters are at breaking point following twelve years of falling pay. After rejecting the latest real-terms pay cut, they're gearing up for a desperate attempt to save their service through strike action.


Zarah Sultana

‘Solidarity Knows No Borders’

With the country in crisis, the Tories have adopted the extremist language of the far-right to scapegoat asylum seekers for their own failures — and we can’t let them succeed.

Nilufer Erdem

East London for the People

The divide between rich and poor in the London borough of Newham illustrates the grotesque inequalities of the city, but community organising is empowering residents to fight back against the corporate takeover.


Fergal Kinney

Phoenix Nights: A Tribute to a Vanishing British Institution

Phoenix Night’s wry portrayal of a northern working men’s club found a home with audiences but was shunned by critics. Two decades after it first aired, it remains a vital celebration of a vanishing working-class culture too often ignored on screen.

In Memoriam

Jagdish Patel

A Workers’ Hero

Avtar Singh Jouhl, the former president of the Indian Workers Association, passed away earlier this year. We remember his life in struggle.


Owen Dowling

Tribune’s Alternative to the Cold War

During the tumultuous years after the end of World War Two, Tribune’s editorial team advocated an alternative to both American and Soviet domination: a democratic socialist ‘third force’.

Mark Critchley

The Plot Against Women’s Football

In the wake of the First World War, women’s football flourished alongside the rising workers’ movement. Then an establishment conspiracy took the legs from under it.


Rick Corsini & Anthony Fontenot

A Letter from Los Angeles

Immediately after World War Two and just before McCarthyism, ten Communists commissioned a modernist, racially integrated housing co-operative in the Silver Lake neighbourhood of L.A.

Robert Barry

The War Against Noise

Despite doomed patrician attempts to shut it out, noise can never entirely be avoided — and a level of ‘social noise’ is part of convivial life.

Anna Aslanyan

Let’s Not Cancel Tolstoy

Not for the first time, Russian imperialism is casting a shadow over the country’s literature. But the last work of Leo Tolstoy, Hadji Murad, provided both a mirror and an indictment.

Hannah Proctor

Coming up for Air

A new speculative fiction about a revolutionary near future takes the form of an oral history project with inhabitants of the New York Commune, and imagines how abolitionist theories might play out in practice.

Juliet Jacques

To Infinity and Beyond

A new film depicts the story of a Soviet architectural ‘UFO’ in Kyiv, which still stands as both a resistance to Stalinist philistinism and wild capitalism.

Charlotte Lydia Riley

The Ministry of Nurseries

Britain’s childcare system is appallingly expensive, complicated, and neglected — but for a time in the Second World War, public nurseries were considered part of the new welfare state.

Stephen Daker

Forwards, Not Forgetting

Newly reissued, Bertolt Brecht and Slatan Dudow’s 1932 film Kuhle Wampe is one of the true classics of socialist cinema, offering a glimpse of the last moment before the German left were crushed by Nazism.

Owen Hatherley

Red Library: Korean Fiction

Amid a global wave of interest in Korean culture, Korean writers have created some of the most striking politicised fiction of the last few years.