This issue is Owen Hatherley’s last as Culture editor. We pay tribute to Owen’s four years of outstanding curatorship — and look forward to his new role as a Tribune columnist.
Royal Mail occupies a unique role in Britain’s national life. Its more than 115,000 posties are woven into the social fabric of every community they serve. But today these workers are engaged in a battle for their future — against an employer determined to transform the company into a zero-hour courier.
Tribune editor Ronan Burtenshaw sits down with Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, to discuss why justice for Palestinians means isolating Israel on the world stage.
In 1959, the African National Congress called for a boycott of South African goods as part of an international effort to bring down the apartheid regime. Tribune was the first paper in Britain to back their call.
Israel is in the midst of mass protests against its new government’s authoritarianism. But is democracy worth saving for Israelis when it is denied to Palestinians?
The government’s anti-boycott bill is an attack on our political freedoms — and while it currently targets solidarity with Palestine, its ramifications apply to every social justice campaign.
Wealthy landlords are set to take advantage of falling property prices and high interest rates by snatching up even more of Britain’s housing stock — unless tenants organise a fightback.
Writer and broadcaster Kenan Malik discusses his latest book on race, identity politics, class struggle, and the value of the radical universalist tradition.
The Spanish left entered government as part of a coalition for the first time since the civil war in the 1930s — and is reaping the rewards of strengthening workers’ rights and rejecting neoliberalism.
Owen Hatherly sits down with historian Sheila Fitzpatrick to discuss how her work challenged orthodox understandings of the USSR — how its dissolution shaped the politics of modern-day Russia and the former socialist republics.
Fifty years ago, Christopher Hill published his most famous work, The World Turned Upside Down. The story behind it gives an insight into the circumstances that created one of England’s greatest Marxist historians.
The Tribune culture section may not always look like it, but it is part of the same project as the rest of the magazine — trying to provide historical grounding for a new left; but we need to look forward, too.
People of a certain age argue constantly over the politics of Brit-pop and the wrong turnings of the nineties. But what if Britpop began as a feminist outsider scene driven by cheap housing and cross-class experimentation?
If you want to understand the baffling popularity of the Royal Family, one place to start is the multimedia imperial modernist spectacle of the 1953 coronation.
In the 1970s, composer Cornelius Cardew went from avant-garde experiments to songs that aimed to speak directly to workers in struggle. He failed miserably then, but perhaps he’s worth listening to again?
In a career lasting much of the twentieth century, the Soviet psychologist Alexander Luria tried to develop a ‘romantic science’ for the ‘new people’ emerging from revolutionary change.
Birth of a New Day, 2814’s newly reissued vaporwave classic, takes place in a dreamed-up Japan where the bubble economy never burst and the good times never ended — it’s made by people who know full well they did.
Endlessly rebooted and pointlessly extended, the original Terminator film is a parable about radicalisation and commitment in the face of a terrifying — but mutable — future.
The rediscovery of the working-class experimental novelist Ann Quin has been long overdue. Her jagged writing on sexuality and consumerism comes out in a new edition of her last novel, Tripticks.
Lynsey Hanley talks to Ellie Harrison about her Bus Regulation: The Musical, a travelling spectacular on how integrated public transport was destroyed in Britain and how it can be rebuilt.
The attempted coup in Brazil that followed Lula’s victory was the culmination of the surreal world of Bolsonarismo, in which the country’s history was warped into unrecognisability.