
21 Articles by:

Dave Ward

Dave Ward is general secretary of the Communication Workers Union.

Britain Deserves a Proper Postal Service

As the Royal Mail looks set to be taken over by Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky, workers will mobilise to defend the service — and the communities they serve must get ready to stand with them, writes Dave Ward.

Stop the Uberisation of Royal Mail

Today’s move by Royal Mail to rip up agreements with the CWU is the biggest attack on workers in a generation. If it isn’t fought, we could see the derecognition of a strong union and the fragmentation of our postal service.

Stand By Your Postie

Today, over 115,000 postal workers are out on strike against a real-terms pay cut. Why? It’s simple: workers will not accept their living standards corrode so CEOs can have it better than ever.

Posties Before Profit

Last month, postal workers offered to provide an emergency service to keep the country running during coronavirus. Rather than support them, Royal Mail refused to even listen to concerns over their safety.

Key Workers Need PPE

If key workers are expected to keep our economy going during the coronavirus crisis, the least they deserve is proper protection – now is the time for the government to act.

We Need Our Posties

Coronavirus reminds us all how crucial it is to have a social fabric that supports communities, particularly those who are vulnerable. That’s why Britain’s posties are fighting to stop Royal Mail from destroying the universal service.

The Battle at Royal Mail

The CWU’s #WeRiseAgain campaign against the ‘uberisation’ of postal services is shaping up to be one of the most important industrial battles of the decade.

Rebuilding the Union Movement

CWU leader Dave Ward on the lessons he learned from 40 years of trade unionism, and the bold approach the movement needs to adopt today to tackle its decline.

Make the Post Public Again

Five years on from privatisation, it’s time to take postal services back into public hands — and revolutionise their relationship to workers and communities.