The Landlords’ Utopia
Far from the cliches about Manchester ‘doing things differently’, the city’s rapid takeover by luxury property developers is driving out working-class communities and suffocating local culture.
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David Wilkinson is the author of Post-Punk, Politics and Pleasure in Britain (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) and lectures in English at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Far from the cliches about Manchester ‘doing things differently’, the city’s rapid takeover by luxury property developers is driving out working-class communities and suffocating local culture.
In his final decade, Raymond Williams turned his attention to the concept of utopia – and the idea that the ingredients of a better society are present within human nature.
Gang of Four’s Andy Gill, who died this weekend, combined a serrating guitar style with socialist lyrics to define the sound of the post-punk era.
This month’s Manchester International Festival shows how the city’s cultural industries too often provide a gloss to its growing inequalities.
Albert Finney’s groundbreaking career is a testament to the opportunities of the postwar years, when the working class fought its way into the cultural arena.