
259 Articles by:

Grace Blakeley

Grace Blakeley is a staff writer at Tribune.

Austerity Is Labour’s Choice

It’s simple: Starmer in 10 Downing Street can end child hunger, fix public services and give workers a pay rise. Ruling out these ambitions by refusing to tax wealth is a conscious political choice.

Child Poverty is the Policy

A Tory government might not have any moral qualms about pushing children into poverty. But if Labour can’t bring itself to oppose such an abhorrent policy, it doesn’t deserve power.

Labour’s Self-Imposed Straitjacket

Labour may win the next election by convincing the establishment that the economy is safe in their hands. But they won’t solve any of the crises the country is facing by imitating Tory spending plans – they might even make things worse.

The Plan to Kill the NHS

The NHS has always had wealthy enemies, but now they have a clear plan to bring it down: starve public healthcare of funding and let private provision grow in its place.

No, Capitalism Isn’t Democratic

Authoritarianism is on the rise despite the liberal prediction that the spread of free markets would result in more democracy – that’s because capitalism will always defend social hierarchies against the threat of economic equality.

The Growth Delusion

In today’s Budget, Jeremy Hunt talked about ‘growth’ but delivered policies that will lock Britain into years of low pay and crumbling public services.

Keir Starmer’s Sticking Plaster Politics

Amid the worst squeeze on living standards in decades, Keir Starmer’s Labour has a historic opportunity to transform this country – but yesterday’s speech shows he’s more concerned with staying in the establishment’s good books.