
259 Articles by:

Grace Blakeley

Grace Blakeley is a staff writer at Tribune.

Capital’s B-Team Are Ready to Take Charge

Keir Starmer claims that Labour is now ‘pro-business and pro-worker’, but the order of these priorities is no coincidence. Yesterday’s manifesto confirmed that the interests of big business and the wealthy will come first under a Labour government.

Europe Is Warning Us

The fascist surge across the European Union is directly down to the bankruptcy of centrist politicians — whose failure in addressing soaring inequalities and deep social problems should haunt Starmer’s Labour.

It’s Time to Revive the Lucas Plan

In the 1970s, workers at Lucas Aerospace proposed saving the company by producing technologies that fight climate change instead of waging war — showing how workplace democracy can solve the crises of capitalism.

The Golden Goodbye Budget

Jeremy Hunt’s final budget is a straightforward giveaway to every millionaire and landlord in our country — a parting glass to the only people they bothered serving in over a decade in power.

The Bank of England Independence Disaster

New Labour’s technocratic managerialism agenda involved ceding control of the Bank of England — a decision with profound consequences to this day. While unelected technocrats are able to hike interest rates and engineer economic slowdowns, workers will remain worse off.

Labour Has Given Up on the Climate Crisis

On the same day that climate scientists announced the world had breached the warming limit of 1.5 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels, Starmer effectively announced that he had given up the fight against climate breakdown.

The Return of Dodgy Dave

David Cameron’s surprise comeback is being heralded as a return to a sensible, respectable conservatism. In reality, the former prime minister is a murky opportunist who seeks only to bolster his own personal wealth and power.