Jeremy Corbyn: Austerity Is Labour’s Choice
After 14 years of billionaires doubling their wealth, the political elite’s choice of starving pensioners and children shows austerity as a complete con job.
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Jeremy Corbyn is the Member of Parliament for Islington North and a member of the Independent Alliance group of MPs.
After 14 years of billionaires doubling their wealth, the political elite’s choice of starving pensioners and children shows austerity as a complete con job.
Internationalism isn’t a distraction from domestic politics — our fight for freedom and justice abroad can inspire change here in Britain.
As Labour and the Tories pledge to continue allowing private interests to carve up our NHS for profit, we must fight as hard as Nye Bevan did against the profiteers wrecking our health service.
At his campaign launch, Jeremy Corbyn explains to Tribune that his run against Keir Starmer’s Labour is more than about social justice — it’s about defending the fundamental principles of democracy and honesty in politics.
The Rwanda scheme is a repulsive election stunt from a government devoid of humanity. We must resist both the policy and the racist rhetoric that underpins it, writes Jeremy Corbyn.
At Saturday’s Palestine solidarity protest — which took place on E.P. Thompson’s centenary — Jeremy Corbyn, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament’s Kate Hudson and John McDonnell remember the pioneer of ‘history from below’ and the debt owed to him by the anti-war movement.
At the International Court of Justice, South Africa spoke on behalf of the billions of people who oppose Israel’s genocide in Gaza — and put Western governments to shame for their deplorable complicity.
Today marks 75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But, as Gaza shows, it is being buried under the rubble along with the human beings whose rights it was written to protect, writes Jeremy Corbyn.
Our duty is to stop bloodthirsty voices from dictating the debate and to resist cynical attempts to distract us from our urgent goal: bringing about an immediate Gaza ceasefire.
Jeremy Corbyn calls for an immediate ceasefire in the Middle East before Gaza is turned to rubble.
On the 50th anniversary of Chile’s 9/11, Jeremy Corbyn sits down with Tribune to discuss how Chilean socialism inspired his politics and why Pinochet’s coup reminds us of the danger of fascism.
On Hiroshima Day, Jeremy Corbyn argues that the world has never been closer to nuclear war – and that the only way to avoid catastrophe is to abolish nuclear weapons once and for all.
The government’s latest attack on refugees would criminalise people fleeing persecution because of their sexuality or gender identity. Discrimination knows no borders – and neither should our solidarity.
Denis Goldberg passed away in 2020 after a lifelong fight for social justice which saw him spend two decades in a South African prison. He reminded us of the horrors of apartheid – and the heroism of those who struggled against it, writes Jeremy Corbyn.
We need the Labour Party to stand up against government attacks on our rights to strike, protest and vote — but it can’t defend democracy if it doesn’t respect it within its own movement, writes Jeremy Corbyn.
Yesterday’s insurrection against Lula’s elected government in Brazil wasn’t a fluke – it was part of an international far-right attack on the idea of democracy.
The Equal Pay Act, the 8-hour day, the two-day weekend, parental leave, holiday pay – organised labour is behind many of the rights we have today. We must mobilise in our thousands to fight the government’s latest effort to crush it.
Public ownership isn’t just more effective, it’s more democratic – it’s time to take vital services like rail, mail, energy, and water out of the control of remote CEOs and unaccountable shareholders.
Dementia is the leading cause of death in the UK, and our care sector is in crisis after years of austerity and privatisation. Some say we can’t afford to have a National Care Service, but the truth is that we can’t afford not to.
Lula’s historic victory, unthinkable just two years ago, couldn’t have happened without millions of people fighting for it. As Bolsonaro supporters refuse to accept the results, the mobilisation of those masses will be key to securing democracy.