Cost of Living Crisis: It’s Now or Never for Unions
Workers face a stark decline in living standards amid rising bills and stagnant wages – the trade union movement must organise resistance or risk irrelevance.
4 Articles by:
Liam Young is head of political strategy at the Communications Workers Union.
Workers face a stark decline in living standards amid rising bills and stagnant wages – the trade union movement must organise resistance or risk irrelevance.
The labour movement should respond to this economic crisis with a bold vision of a society where everyone is guaranteed the basics in life – and collective interests are more important than private profits.
The coronavirus lockdown has seen local community networks come into their own. When it’s over, we need to be careful not to give urban power back to developers and big business.
Liam Young on why he’s standing on a socialist platform for the London Assembly, and why he’ll fight for Londoners inside and outside of City Hall.