Technology Is Not a Cure
Many believe that technology will lead us to a future of better health. But it could also dismantle our public health systems.
21 Articles by:
Paris Marx is the host of the Tech Won't Save Us podcast and author of Road to Nowhere: What Silicon Valley Gets Wrong about the Future of Transportation.
Many believe that technology will lead us to a future of better health. But it could also dismantle our public health systems.
The tech industry’s dream is of a society divided between the served and their servants, where the ‘friction’ of human interaction is cut out – but there’s still time to take back the power over our future.
The ‘Uber Files’ leak reveals the power of the company’s multimillion-pound lobbying effort – and how it worked with governments across the world to undercut workers’ rights.
The crypto crash has exposed the speculative bubble behind the decentralised currency myth – and wiped out many people’s life savings in the process.
The world’s richest man has bought Twitter – and made the case for digital infrastructure that isn’t just capital’s plaything clearer than ever.
Mark Zuckerberg’s metaverse is no utopian vision – it’s another opportunity for Big Tech to colonise our lives in the name of profit.
Even before the recent tragic on-set death, film and TV workers were organising to improve conditions in Hollywood – their fight pits them against not only film studios, but global tech giants.
The space race playing out among billionaires like Branson, Bezos and Musk has little to do with science – it’s a PR-driven spectacle designed to distract us from the disasters capitalism is causing here on Earth.
A new report has revealed that just one Amazon warehouse in Scotland destroys 130,000 unsold goods per week – a reminder of the waste involved in production for profit rather than public need.
Amazon’s buyout of MGM is the latest example of the culture industry’s transformation into a big tech monopoly game – while artists, workers, and the film-watching public suffer the consequences.
Apple is just the latest Big Tech company to receive praise for its environmental policies – but despite the media narrative, no amount of greenwashing can repair the damage corporations are doing to the planet.
Jeff Bezos is stepping aside as Amazon’s CEO having made a fortune of almost $200 billion. It’s an attempt at reputation rehabilitation – but he can’t escape the legacy of exploitation he leaves behind.
Billionaires like Elon Musk want to project the same capitalist logic that is destroying Earth into outer space – they won’t succeed, but their ego trips might prevent us from using technology to improve human life.
A new report shows that the world’s top 1% is responsible for double the emissions of the entire bottom half of the planet. The conclusion is clear – to fight climate change, we have to fight the ruling class.
A new Netflix movie, ‘The Social Dilemma,’ seeks to pin the world’s political problems on social media – but growing polarisation is a product of capitalism’s deep inequalities, not Facebook and Twitter.
The latest plan to save journalism would see Google and Facebook taxed to fund media outlets. But instead of reliance on Big Tech monopolies, journalism would benefit most from breaking them up.
There is no path to meeting climate targets and avoiding devastation that doesn’t run through a dramatic reduction in the use of cars. Now is the time to seize on this reality and invest in the alternatives.
Billionaires have seen their fortunes skyrocket during Covid-19 while workers face wage cuts and layoffs – if we want to build a more equal society, we have to take them on.
Airbnb bookings have collapsed by as much as 96% during coronavirus – which means huge numbers of liveable properties are available in the very cities that are suffering the worst housing crises.
A basic income would be useful during a pandemic, but in the long term it would deepen the power of the market – instead, it’s time to fight to limit the influence of the market over the services we all rely on.