Cost of Living Crisis: Time for Protest
As bills soar and wages flatline, the Tories are betting that we won’t stand up for ourselves – but this weekend will see protests across Britain that can prove them wrong.
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Shabbir Lakha is an officer of the Stop the War Coalition.
As bills soar and wages flatline, the Tories are betting that we won’t stand up for ourselves – but this weekend will see protests across Britain that can prove them wrong.
If the horror of the last week has proved anything, it’s that the invasion of Afghanistan was a mistake – and those who think more military intervention can fix it are living in a fantasy.
Today’s welcome news of a ceasefire might put a temporary halt to Israel’s mass killing of Palestinians, but it won’t bring the occupation to an end – we need to keep mobilising until there is justice.
After 20 years and an estimated 200,000 deaths, American and British troops are due to withdraw from Afghanistan this year – but the destruction, surveillance and prejudice the war created will endure for a long time yet.
Britain is the world’s second largest arms exporter, selling £11 billion worth of weapons in 2019 alone – and from the beginning of the war on Yemen, the industry has been directly complicit in a humanitarian disaster.
The march to war with Iran has begun, with the British government playing Trump’s tune – it’s time for all those opposed to another slaughter in the Middle East to organise a mass anti-war movement.