The Life and Love of Edward Carpenter
For LGBT History Month, historian Sheila Rowbotham remembers Edward Carpenter – poet, philosopher, utopian socialist, and a pioneer of gay rights amid the repression of Victorian England.
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Sheila Rowbotham is a socialist feminist historian who was instrumental in the Women's Liberation Movement in Britain. Her books include Women, Resistance and Revolution and Beyond the Fragments: Feminism and the Making of Socialism.
For LGBT History Month, historian Sheila Rowbotham remembers Edward Carpenter – poet, philosopher, utopian socialist, and a pioneer of gay rights amid the repression of Victorian England.
Sheila Rowbotham discusses life in the struggle for women’s liberation, her path to socialist feminism – and why she believes the debates of the 1970s continue to hold such resonance today.
150 years ago today, in the jaws of defeat in war, a revolutionary militia took over the city of Paris and began an experiment in democratic government – the Commune they built continues to inspire radicals today.