
9 Articles by:

Will Magee

Will Magee is a football journalist who has written for Vice and the i newspaper.

Football Belongs to the Fans

The looming Qatari takeover of Manchester United underlines how football clubs are now the playthings of oligarchs and repressive regimes. It’s time to reclaim the game and fight for fan ownership.

The Radical Spirit Of Doctor Sócrates

In the 1970s and 80s, Brazilian footballer Sócrates used his sport as a vehicle to challenge a military dictatorship and speak out for democracy. As this year’s tainted World Cup continues, it’s clear we need more like him.

Fan Ownership Is the Future of Football

German football’s 50+1 model gives supporters a real say in their clubs and a better culture in the stands – if English fans want to be treated as more than consumers, it’s time to build a movement demanding the same.

A Manifesto for Football

Labour’s bold plans to reform football – redistributing wealth from the richest clubs, and empowering fans to buy shares and sack directors – could save the beautiful game from the oligarchs.