Ireland’s Red Troubadour
Ireland’s best-known folk singer, Luke Kelly, was born on this day in 1940. Renowned as a musician and a Dubliner, he was also a lifelong socialist.
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Ronan Burtenshaw is the editor of Tribune.
Ireland’s best-known folk singer, Luke Kelly, was born on this day in 1940. Renowned as a musician and a Dubliner, he was also a lifelong socialist.
In his final editorial, Tribune editor Ronan Burtenshaw reflects on his five years in the job.
For over 75 years, Palestinians have been subject to occupation and apartheid. Condemning the latest violence but remaining silent about that injustice only exposes the West’s staggering hypocrisy.
The NHS wasn’t handed down by elites, it was won through struggle – one which pitted Aneurin Bevan and the labour movement against the interests of the healthcare profiteers.
An NHS crisis caused by cuts and privatisation can’t be solved by allowing yet more profiteering. The only solution is to return public healthcare to its socialist roots.
Writer and poet Michael Rosen – one of Britain’s most beloved public figures – sits down with Tribune to talk about the Jewish socialist roots of his politics – and why we should adore the NHS.
Aneurin Bevan left this magazine for the Ministry of Health with a mission: to build an oasis of socialist principles within British capitalism.
We remember James Connolly’s contributions to revolutionary socialism and anti-colonialism.
The 75th anniversary of the Nakba marks the expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland in 1948. Decades later, the fight against dispossession continues.
We sit down with Omar Barghouti – co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement – to discuss why justice for Palestinians can only be won through isolating Israel on the world stage.
Robert Tressell, author of ‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists,’ was born 153 years ago. His writing left an indelible mark on the socialist movement – but the man himself was almost forgotten by history.
Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald discusses her party’s ‘big political project’: to lead Ireland’s first left-wing government, secure a right to housing, win a unity referendum – and overcome the ‘tail ends’ of colonisation.
Britain is in the midst of a workers’ uprising. The return of austerity aims to kill it in its tracks.
As thousands of nurses across England take to picket lines in a historic strike, Tribune sits down with the RCN’s Denise Kelly to discuss the NHS crisis behind the dispute.
25,000 ambulance workers are striking today. Instead of stripping away their right to strike, the government should deal with the crisis in the NHS that’s pushed them to this point.
RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch on the government’s latest anti-union laws, why they undermine our democratic rights – and how we fight back.
Tribune isn’t just a magazine, it’s a political project – that’s why we helped to found a national movement against the cost-of-living crisis.
As the Enough is Enough campaign reaches 250,000 supporters, Tribune editor Ronan Burtenshaw explains why this publication helped to bring it into being.
Tribune sits down with the RMT’s Mick Lynch to discuss the national rail strike, his viral television appearances – and how workers can come together to topple Britain’s super-rich elite.
This weekend, we’re joining forces with the RMT to take the fight for a pay rise to the bosses…