
118 Articles by:

Taj Ali

Taj Ali is the editor of Tribune.

Striking Against the Housing Crisis

Croydon Council plans huge cuts to its Housing Advice and Homelessness Department in the middle of a housing crisis. In response, staff have gone on strike to protect their jobs – and save a vital public service.

The Fight for the Future of Higher Education

After years of pay cuts, pension attacks and precarity, university staff have escalated their industrial action with a marking and assessment boycott. But management refuses to listen, deducting staff pay and jeopardising student graduations instead.

Why the Battle to Unionise Amazon Matters

Amazon workers in Coventry are on the brink of historic union recognition. Their groundbreaking organising campaign shows that it is possible to fight back against injustice – even in the most hostile of environments.

The War on Posties

Royal Mail occupies a unique role in Britain’s national life. Its more than 115,000 posties are woven into the social fabric of every community they serve. But today these workers are engaged in a battle for their future — against an employer determined to transform the company into a zero-hour courier.

Not So Black and White

Writer and broadcaster Kenan Malik discusses his latest book on race, identity politics, class struggle, and the value of the radical universalist tradition.

Starving University Staff Out

In the past month, university bosses have threatened to withhold the pay of workers observing a marking boycott. These draconian acts – intended to break their workers’ spirit – have only emboldened them.