
119 Articles by:

Taj Ali

Taj Ali is a former editor of Tribune.

The Battle to Save London Underground

Today, more than 10,000 London Underground workers are on strike. They’re fighting against cuts that threaten their jobs, terms and conditions – and will decimate services for the public.

Racism and Resistance: How South Asians Fought Back

Mukhtar Dar, a former member of the Sheffield Asian Youth Movement and the Pakistani Workers Association, speaks to Tribune about the rich tradition of political activism in the British South Asian community – and why it’s time to reignite that fighting spirit.

Trade Unions Can Beat the Far-Right

The failure of politicians to address the cost of living crisis has created the conditions for a resurgence of the far-right – and we need a strong trade union movement to defeat them.

Back the Nurses, Save the NHS

Years of attacks on terms and conditions have pushed nurses to the brink. Now they’re striking not only for fair pay, but to protect the NHS for future generations.

Fair Pay or Fire Strike

Firefighters in the FBU have voted overwhelmingly for strike action. In the face of a decade of falling pay and constant cuts, it’s a desperate attempt to save their service.

Inside Britain’s First Amazon Strike

Amazon is one of the world’s wealthiest companies, but its workers aren’t paid enough to live on. That’s why today, staff at its Coventry warehouse made history by staging the first-ever official UK strike.

Railway Cleaners Are Striking for Justice

Railway cleaners were hailed as heroes during the pandemic for keeping trains safe. But their bosses still refuse to pay them a living wage – so they are taking part in their first ever national strike to demand their worth.

Don’t Let Royal Mail Die

Postal workers have played a vital role in communities for centuries – but now that’s under existential threat from a corporate leadership hell-bent on turning Royal Mail into another Uber. We can’t let that happen.

Don’t Let Them Kill Royal Mail

Bosses at Royal Mail are attacking the terms and conditions of its workforce and plotting to ‘Uberise’ the postal service. Against these plans, the posties’ strike is a battle for the future of the economy as whole.