Royal Mail’s Establishment Stitch-up
Yesterday, the votes of 110,000 postal workers to strike were thrown out by the High Court. It was just another example of how Britain’s laws and courts are rigged against workers.
61 Articles by:
Marcus Barnett is associate editor at Tribune.
Yesterday, the votes of 110,000 postal workers to strike were thrown out by the High Court. It was just another example of how Britain’s laws and courts are rigged against workers.
After the First World War, thousands of veterans returned from the front lines and fought for their rights against an establishment that was happy to discard them.
ForViva claims to be a “progressive landlord” that “challenges inequalities.” But beneath the right-on rhetoric, its workers are fighting low-pay and abysmal conditions.
To celebrate Black History Month, we remember Len Johnson – the Manchester boxer denied a title shot because of his race who went on to become a left-wing radical.
In 1984, Labour Party Chair Ian Lavery was an ordinary miner ready to stand with his fellow workers. What he experienced during the strike changed him forever.
In August 1976 a group of Asian immigrants in London began a strike that would define an era.
Agency workers in London hospitals are so poorly treated that their union set up a foodbank to help them. But now, they are fighting back.
The latest report on blacklisting shows how serious the establishment is about undermining our movement
Change UK’s calamitous performance of recent weeks isn’t simply down to incompetence. It reflects the profound lack of insight and ambition that plagues Britain’s political centre.
CWU leader Dave Ward on the lessons he learned from 40 years of trade unionism, and the bold approach the movement needs to adopt today to tackle its decline.
Geoffrey Servante passed away earlier this week aged 99. He was almost certainly the last Briton to fight fascism in the International Brigades to Spain.
On this day in 1932, hundreds of workers took to the hills of northern England to challenge the right of landed gentry to enclose the countryside.
On this day in 1943, a band of Jewish resistance fighters launched an armed insurrection against the Nazis. They were proud socialists and internationalists.
The wartime Home Guard is immortalised in popular culture — but the socialists who shaped it are forgotten.
John Woodcock set a low bar for a Labour MP for Barrow. Chris Altree, the local left-winger selected to replace him, promises a new direction.
On International Holocaust Memorial Day we should remember the resistance that organised itself in Nazi death camps.
On International Holocaust Memorial Day we should remember the resistance that organised itself in Nazi death camps.
Last year, Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle visited Rojava to learn about its radical democratic ‘revolution’. He argues that support for the Kurdish cause is now more important than ever.
After the Second World War, Jewish soldiers returned to Britain and had to fight fascism all over again.
More than 1,000 young Londoners have been short-changed by leisure giant Greenwich Leisure Limited. But now they’re fighting back.